Thursday, October 30, 2008

Teams on Thursday - Teams in the Downturn

There has been a lot of discussion lately about what role teams play in the current business context given the recent volatility in the markets.

I have found it interesting to see clients continue to invest, proactively, to team based intiatives, in part recognizing that the only way they will get their work completed is through their teams, whether the team is established, or is newly forming, given the organizational changes.

Here are 5 reasons teams why teams continue to remain a driving force of organizations throughout this downturn:

1. The Power of Collective Wisdom - Psychologists have demonstrated for years that group decisions are better than decisions made one off.
What does the collective wisdom of your team know that the individuals don't?

2. Reducing duplication --When teams function well, team systems can reduce a lot of the duplicaton and time spent with tasks being repeated by individuals.
What systems do you have in place as a team that reduces duplication? Any new systems needed to address duplication that is going on?

3. A diversity of approaches to services, products and support to clients/customers -- one of the greatest gifts of a team approach can be the diversity of approaches and philosophies it's individual memebers brings.
What new ideas live in your team which could support you in doing things differently?
4. The Power of Collaboration: Collaboration in and of itself often also leads to new ideas and approaches.
What step can your team take this week to enhance collaboration, or remove barriers to collaboration?

5. Enhanced Sustainability: While team members may come and go, teams in and of themselves usually have a footprint or essence greater than its members.
What's the essence of your team? What's the footprint it leaves?

Have a wonderful week!
Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPT
Cell: (416) 996-TEAM (8326)
Team Coaching: Including the Team Diagnostic Assessment

Monday, October 13, 2008

Calling all Small Business Owners - Last Chance

Last call to all small business owners to join me for the 90 Day BizSuccess group coaching program starting this Friday (11-12 noon Eastern). There are 2 spaces remaining for entrepreneurs/small business owners to join me for an intimate group coaching experience for the next 3 months. Join myself and a maximum of 7 other business owners for an intensive virtual (phone based) program with accountability, resources and best practices to GROW your business.

The 90 Day BizSuccess program is designed for new and experienced business owners who are looking for a supportive, action-oriented group coaching program to intentionally focus on their business development.This 3 month program includes:

  • 7x 1 hour group coaching calls with a maximum of 8 participants (Fridays from 11 - 12 noon Eastern, 8-9am Pacific) over a 3 month period
  • Bi-weekly modules delivered full of tools, resources and exercises to grow your business
  • 36 E-Biz Tips delivered to your mailbox 3 times a week for the program length
  • 15 minute lazer coaching 1-1 session with me on a monthly basis at no extra cost!

During the three months of the program you will:

  • Create Your Business RoadMap: Develop or refine your business vision
  • Explore your unique strengths and abilities as a business person, identifying areas for leverage and competitive advantage
  • Get clear on your niche (or niches) - Who are your clients? Who do you serve?
  • Identify what unique products and services you offer and how this sets you apart from other providers
  • Explore Your Web: Identify opportunities for collaboration and partnerships with other business owners and service providers
  • Develop your marketing strategy and budget
  • Investigate how your business can leverage technology and social media to build their client base and increase sales through an introduction to blogs, podcasts and other platforms
  • Develop a concrete business action plan for the next year

One session will be dedicated to additional topics that matter most to participants

Cost: $347 for the 3 month program.

There are still 3 spaces remaining in the program. To register and reserve your spot you can visit us online or contact me directly by email/phone at jennifer(AT)potentialsrealized(dot)com/ 1-866-217-1960 (toll free across N.America) or at my mobile (416) 996-TEAM. Curious about how the program may benefit you? Please give me a call.

Some of the recent work I have done for busienss owners include: "Starting Your Own Business - A Guide for Women in York Region" (2006) and the Succession Planning Webinar Series early this year.

I look forward to hearing from you and having you join me for this incredible journey of action, learning and accountability as you take your business from GOOD to GREAT! This will be the last 90 day Biz Success program offered before the end of 2008.

I look forward to having you join me!

Warm wishes,

Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPT

Potentials Realized

Coaching for Small Business Owners

Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960 ~ Mobile: (416) 996-TEAM

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Skill Sets for Mentors

Mentoring continues to be an essential element for many talent management programs across industies. Lower in cost than many other learning intiatives, mentoring programs can provide powerful opportunities for junior employees to learn from those that have gone before.

This year, I have been involved in providing coaching support to a number of mentoring programs across industies and often get asked, "What type of skills are useful for mentors to have?"

Think about any opportunities you have had to be mentored, or provide mentoring. Some of the core skills I see as essential for great mentors include:

1.Listening - Mentors are often seen as a sounding board for proteges/those being mentored. How effective are you being at listening to your protege and what they are looking for from your relationship.

2.Feedback - Proteges are often very eager in learning what has worked/what hasn't from mentors. As such, mentors are often called upon to provide feedback/insights in terms of industry trends, what's worked/what hasn't in their career, professional development options - - to name a few.

3.Creating Powerful Questions : Powerful Questions rarely start with WHY? They are open ended and often start with WHAT?

4.Coaching: Creating opportunities for Accountability, Acknowledging your protege, and Encouraging them towards their goals

5. Relationship Building: The mentor/protege relationship can be a very powerful one and often requires intentional design. How much attention have you put towards your mentoring relationship?

What do you see as essential skills for mentors? Feel free to comment below.


Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Potentials Realized
Coaching, Training and Consulting Services
Toll Free: 1-866-217-1960
Email: jennifer{at}